Parent Information
Camp Tours / Visitors
We would be more than happy to give you and your camper a tour of the facility and can be arranged in the spring prior to camp starting or summer while camp is in session prior to your campers fist day. If you would like to arrange a tour please call (860) 677-8458 ext. 12 or send an email to
We do not have an open visitation policy at Winding Trails Summer Day Camp. The way the schedule is set up and the dynamics of the campus does not allow for visitors to be a part of that process. Also, some campers may become homesick if they see parents or visitors of other campers. This is why we do not allow visitors during the camp day. If you would like to see your camper during the day for any reason we can certainly have them brought to the camp office by their counselor. If you would like feedback on how your camper is doing we can also have your childs counselor call home. The counselors will make a phone call home during the first week of each session regardless to touch base with you to let you know how things are going and see if you have any questions. We thank you for understanding our policy and reasons behind it.
Friend Requests
We do our best to accommodate one friend request per camper per season. Please put your friend request in writing to the camp office no later than April 1st as groups are finalized in early April. Friend requests are accepted but are not guaranteed. Friend requests must be mutual and exclusive, meaning the two campers must each request each other and only in pairs, we do not allow multiple pairs of campers to be joined into groups.
What to Bring/What to Wear
All campers bring a lunch each day which will be refrigerated, campers may bring a snack that does NOT need to be refrigerated to have in their backpack if they chose. . Wear closed toed shoes, preferably sneakers. Bring a water bottle, swim suit, towel, insect repellent, sun screen. Dress for the weather in play clothes, nothing that cannot get dirty. Please put your child's name on all items sent to camp. If medications are needed, make sure that they are in original packaging and accompanied by current paperwork (Authorization for the Administration of Medication.)
Do not bring anything valuable or any electronics at all, we do not allow phones at camp. Please do not bring playing cards or trading cards or any similar item as we cannot always prevent loss.
We do supply all necessary camp equipment i.e. sports equipment, arts and crafts supplies, etc. If your camper very much wants to bring in his/her own equipment i.e. lacrosse stick or fishing pole, we do need to approve that request so it can be kept safe while not in use.
Expectations for Camp
Camp is where campers canoe and swim, make fires and friends, try archery and outdoor adventure, and explore drama and the arts. But Camp is much more than that. Campers and counselors work together, learn new skills, and build an honest, caring and respectful community where all individuals grow. It is this strong sense of community that translates into an unparalleled loyalty and fondness for Winding Trails, among counselors and campers alike.
The heart of our programs has much to do with stretching to meet mental and physical challenges, gaining confidence and becoming skilled at teamwork. Our programs incorporate the natural surroundings and require a can-do attitude, cooperation and age appropriate independence.
Active and successful participation in the day camp experience at Winding Trails entails the ability to independently, safely and cooperatively:
Cooperate with similarly aged campers in a unit, and take part in the social and play time of the unit.
Exhibit suitable behavior without needing more than the usual amount of individual attention.
Be responsible for personal care, and individual health and safety.
Follow a varied individual and group activity schedule, that is age appropriate with graduated skill development.
Maneuver rugged terrain and distances between activities that are part of the natural surroundings.
Understand and respond to group instruction for most of the activities offered at Camp.
Act appropriately in case of an emergency.
Contribute positively to the overall spirit of the Camp community.
Winding Trails Summer Day Camp endeavors to arrange reasonable accommodations to make Camp accessible while preserving the rustic facilities, natural surroundings and a quality camping experience for all.
A Few Words on Behavior
It is our distinct hope that all children enjoy their stay at our camp. We want every camper to make new friends, try new experiences, and enjoy the summer. In an effort to make sure everyone is safe, and every child and parent understands what is expected of them, we want to share with you our Full Value Contract and what steps our staff will take should the contract be broken. We believe the use of the Full Value Contract is a most effective device to stimulate learning and help children to understand the proper way to behave in a unit at camp. Basically, this contract is an agreement or statement that all campers agree they will follow. Depending on the age of the group, statements or rules may be added to the contract. Campers promise to abide by the contract either orally or in writing.
Full Value Contract
Have respect for self, others, and their property.
Work together as a group.
Adhere to all camp safety and unit behavior guidelines.
Exhibit good behavior and sportsmanship.
In the event a camper breaks the contract, the staff will then follow a three-strike policy. The length of time a child spends in time out depends on the age and the severity of the incident. There are also special circumstances when an incident may warrant a direct call home. Our staff will determine these judgment calls. The following is an outline of the steps that would be taken.
1st time contract is broken: Verbal warning
2nd time contract is broken: Time Out with a caution that a call home will be made if behavior does not change. This will be put in writing.
3rd time contract is broken: The camper calls his/her parents. It will be determined at that point whether the camper will be sent home for the day or for the remainder of the session or for the rest of the summer or permanently.
Campers should observe the following safety rules when riding the bus:
Be Courteous.
No profane language.
No eating or drinking on the bus.
Keep the bus clean.
Cooperate with the driver and monitor at all times.
No smoking.
Do not be destructive. Seat padding is there for your safety. Anyone caught defacing property will pay for damages.
Stay in your seat at all times.
Keep hands, head, and feet inside the bus.
Keep aisles and exits clear.
Bus Drivers are authorized to assign seats.
Throughout the summer, the opportunity may present itself that your childs picture may be taken for the newspaper or other publicity reasons. It will be assumed that the parent condones this practice unless a written note stating otherwise is received prior to camp beginning.Hot Days of Summer
We take every precaution to keep your children cool and comfortable during heat waves. As you know, your childs safety and well-being are our number one concern. Campers will continue to swim two times a day. We also have sprinklers set up all around the camp and new this year: the camper car wash will be in full use. Counselors will ensure that their campers are taking frequent drinks at the drinking fountains. Please be sure to send your child to camp well hydrated and have a conversation with them on the importance of drinking water throughout the day.
In addition, during the heat, counselors will move physical activities to shaded areas during the day. As the heat builds, sports, etc. will be replaced by games of drip-drip splash, as well as other non-strenuous activities in the shade.
Rainy Days and Inclement Weather at Camp
We will run camp as normal as possible on rainy days and campers will most likely get wet, please provide a raincoat on these days. Most activities will run as planned but some may be altered to make sure the activity remains safe. Free swim and swim lessons will still take place unless thunder and lighting is in the area and in that case will be replaced by on land under cover water safety talks. If the rain persits throughout the day a rainy day schedule may be implemented which may keep campers under cover while specialists and lifeguards rotate to the campers with fun alternative games. As you know, your childs safety and well-being are our number one concern.
In the event of weather that forces us to change our schedule and head indoors we will provide shelter in several buildings around camp. Campers and Counselors will be sent to Garmany Hall, Natures Porch, and the Camp Office Building that has 4 inside rooms available for units to be placed. The camp counselors, specialists and lifeguards will keep the campers active with fun games, songs, dancing and board games until the weather has passed. While we understand the need to have your children with you during inclement weather circumstances we can assure you that your campers are safe while at camp and would encourage you not to try and pick up during this time if at all possible.