
Trails Fund

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Please consider making a contribution to Winding Trails. One hundred percent (100%) of your tax-deductible donation will go to making sure Winding Trails remains a natural gem for future generations to cherish.

General Support

A gift allocated here supports a full range of projects that serve the mission of Winding Trails. Last year's donations will be used to help fund a new pavilion at the Tennis & Pickleball courts, add new life jackets to boat rentals, a new gaga pit, street hockey boards, stairs in the camp area, additional beach sand, more picnic tables, new tree plantings and landscaping at the picnic area.


The benefits of children attending summer camp are well documented. The intrinsic focus on youth development and character-building skills has proven to improve academic achievements and personal success through adolescence and into adulthood. Unfortunately, not every child has the opportunity to attend summer camp. This program covers the cost of camp for those that may not be able to afford it. Please consider making a child's summer and donate to our Campership Fund.

Environmental and Educational Initiatives

We will be conducting a year long study of Dunning Lake to monitor water quality and inventory aquatic plants. Protecting Dunning Lake, our natural resources, and education our constituents is critical to saving our environment for future generations
Reem NouhScott Brown
PresidentExecutive Director